Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SABP) is the leading NHS provider of mental health, wellbeing and drug and alcohol services across Surrey and North East Hampshire. The organisation also provides crucial learning and neurodevelopmental disability services.

One of SABP’s key services is the i-access drug and alcohol service (i‑access) for people in Surrey who want to reduce their drinking, need help with problematic drug use, and/or are highly dependent on alcohol and want to stop drinking. To help make the treatment accessible to as many Surrey residents as possible, Surrey Translation Bureau (STB) has been supporting i-access by providing translation of information leaflets and other documents from English into several languages.


“i-access’ experience with STB has been excellent. STB has delivered translation work on time, in good quality and with professional support service. The representative was always in communication throughout the process. The team was efficient and easy to work with; it was thorough and went above and beyond by seeking contextual information and providing explanatory notes as needed.”

Creating awareness with language support

To create more awareness about the services offered and deliver the relevant crucial details, i-access engaged STB to translate its service leaflets and group programme workbooks. These contain important information about the provision of treatment and recovery support, the referral process and multidisciplinary teams of the service. Given the diverse demography of Surrey and its border regions, the content was translated from English into Farsi, Bulgarian, Russian, Romanian and Nepali to make it more accessible.


An efficient treatment plan

STB started working with SABP in 2010, and it has an efficient workflow in place. For recent projects for i-access, we have followed a straightforward procedure. First, the client sends us PDF files, which we then convert into Word format to put into our translation software. Once the translation is complete, we then export back to Word format ready for delivery to the client. As the final output is often in a different script, we run extra quality checks to ensure no vital information is lost in translation, before delivering the translated files back to the client.

i-access provides additional resources or reference materials to help our linguists better understand the context and the content they have to translate. We also use a dedicated team of linguists who are familiar with the subject area to ensure that the translations are accurate and comprehensible to those in vulnerable situations.


Continued service

STB has been working together with the SABP for over a decade, helping them to raise awareness and offer vital support for a wide variety of issues. As a local Surrey business, we hope to continue providing language solutions to the organisation as they continue to deliver key health and wellbeing services to the local community.